Natural Healing Remedy 🌿

Nafdac Reg.: 101238L  ✅

This is for every man & woman, who has tried to successfully conceive and have their own children without success. Know that it is not your fault. Permanent solution to all infertility issue even if other method failed. congratulation this is your last bus stop.

Natural Healing Remedy even if you’ve had so many failed IVFs, surgeries, ICSI, and IUI treatments. Try this newly advanced formula Now and  become happy family with children.

As long as you’re a woman under 56 years and for the man you can still knack your wifen well, this simple-to-use herbal solution that has worked for others will work for you too, so you have your own children…

The reason a Man & Woman is not able to conceive AND even why a man experiences difficulty with impregnating a woman are different. 

For women, it can be any one of the following reasons:

For men, it can be: 

Some medical treatments may be able to relieve some of these conditions, but all of them. That’s why even after taking them, you still don’t get the results you’re looking for (which is to have your own child or children).

The solution you will get today will do some things for you, depending on if you’re a man or woman:

For men, it will: 

For the woman, it will: 


(For Men)


(For Women)

Join the Thousands of Women Who are now enjoying the joy of motherhood with VERTIDEM & HYPERTOP.

✅ Cleanse the womb and fallopian tubes
✅ Balances 
the feminine hormones
✅ Regulates your flow, making it clear and consistent
✅ Eliminates painful menstrual cramps
vaginal dryness and boost libido
✅ Eliminates PCOS so you can ovulate easily✅ BOOST SPERM COUNT✅ INCREASE SPERM PRODUCTIVITY

The Herbal Formula  Combo for Men and Women  have helped thousands of men and women to have their own children.

The testimonies just keep coming…


I did not believe my turn to celebrate having children will come again. After getting married for over 7 years, and trying all sorts of things to conceive without any good results, I cannot describe how happy I was when I finally saw my stomach increasing in side with my child inside it. Not to talk of when I finally delivered my baby! Thank you very much



After 12 years of waiting, hoping and believing that a child will come to us, we finally have our own! What can I even say to you for this miracler that has happened to us. Do you know we were even close to adopting just so we can experience what it means to train a child? Thank you very much! 



18 YEARS ooooo! After 18 years, I can finally hold my own baby. Yes, along the line I and my husband decided to adopt a child since nothing was happening just so we can feel the presence of a baby in our home. But after 18 years, after nearly two decades I have my own baby. Wonderful! You people have add joy to my life with this herbal formula. Thank you.


And even more testimonies… from social media chats (WhatsApp and Facebook)

Dear man & woman who wants to have their own children,

If you can carefully read what is on this page and do what it says, within the next one year, you could be among the people who finally carry your child, conceived in your womb without any medical support or procedures.


Because, the ingredients that this herbal formula contains were carefully selected to wipe away conception issues permanently, and make you a mother and your husband a father.

That is, the only reason why this herbal formula will not work for you is if you don’t have a womb…

But as long as you are a woman with a womb, who cannot explain why she cannot carry her own child in her womb, then within the next one year, you will be completely free from the issue of ‘barrenness.’

The only condition is that you and your husband use the herbal formula as directed without failure. 

While your fallopian tubes are getting healed and cleaned, your husband’s sperm production will be improved with better sex drive so that he will not just release sperm but also satisfy you sexually.

See what other women and men who tried this product are saying: 

You will finally be free from the burden of being barren, facing a shaky marriage, and the chance of losing your home…to enjoying the joy of having children

Dear future nursing mother,

Like we told you before, it is not your fault that you are not carrying your child inside you right now. Sometimes, the body misbehaves and chemicals that are not supposed to be released are released causing some conception problems. 

For example, fallopian tube blockage can be caused by any one of the following issues:

And do you know the truth, you cannot control how or why these things happen to you. The only thing you can control is curing them.


Do you know why we call you Future Nursing Mother?

It is because we see how this solution has worked for hundreds of other women in the same situation like you that is why your case cannot be different. 

See these testimonials:

Mrs. Kemi who was barren for a few years even shared a text testimonial with us…

It took me three years to finally hold my own children in my hands. The first year, my husband and his family didn’t disturb, although his family already started asking questions. After the second year, when there was no sign of having a child, both my husband and his family became disturbed. The following year was the worst (that is the third year). In fact, his family began worrying with calls and messages, and while my husband was trying to be calm, the pressure was much on me to show my own children. 

We tried tests and supplements to see if we can have some luck in delivering but nothing was working until I found your herbal solution. Both I and my husband used this faithfully for one month without missing a day. The next month, I missed my period. The result is the triplets you are seeing with me in the picture. Thank you very much!

Mrs. Johnson did not give birth to three kids at once
, but she collected her twins from her womb after seven years of trying to have her own children without any luck. 

The reason we are telling you all this is because you can be like them too. You can finally celebrate having your own children in your own hands. Within 9 months to a year, you will finally be able to hold your own children in your hands. 

It is Possible. 

This 2-in-1 package for men & women (husband and wife) who want to have their own kids has worked over and over again for more than 800+ couples. Why will yours be different? 

It will work for you.

Male & Female Fertility Booster 

The final and permanent herbal cure to fertility problems.

As the female fertility herbal solution is working on correcting issues relating to fibroids, infections, boost ovulation and general fallopian tube problems … 


The male fertility pack is boosting sperm count, improving sexual performance, wiping out infections and washing away problems causing premature ejaculation. 


In the end of using this formula, you’re guaranteed a final freedom from childlessness. And your family can enjoy the blessing and sweet noise of having babies.

Do you know we are so sure that both hypertop and vertidem herbal solutions will work for you to the point that we are even willing to give you a 30-day money back guarantee. 

That is, if after trying both Hypertop Herbal (for men) and Vertidem Herbal (for women) for 30-days you still notice that you’re not conceiving or missed your period, call us back and ask for your money.

We will refund it without any problems. Our joy is that you finally hear the cry of a baby in your home. If not, there’s no need to collect your money.

Currently, there are only 37 packs of both the female and male fertility packs left. 

If you are able to get one of those packs for today, you will be paying 23,000 instead of 45,000 naira for both the male and female fertility packs. 

Why are we giving you the discount for just today?

Because we are celebrating more than 800+ women who have finally gotten to hold their babies in their own hands.

We want more women to be able to share that testimony with us. 

And we want you to be among them!

How Much Can You Get the combo herbal solution?

Costs only, N23,000 (for just today)

Not N45,000 ❌.

If you and your husband (or wife) can start using the herbal formula today, by this time next year, you will have your own child (or children) playing in your hands.

To help you get both Hypertop and Vertidem at a reduced cost, we’re also doing something special: 

You will not pay to get it delivered to your address. All you need to do is be ready to receive the produce with available balance. We will pay for the delivery from our own pockets. 

See thousands of family Who have benefited from this solution. yours will not be different. now is your turn to carry your own children.



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